
喬安娜 李



Member since 2020



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Hi, I’m 喬安娜!

舒適寬敞.採光不錯 拍攝空間寬敞 好操作 酷丹泰拳 Krudam的運動課程起源 Dam Srichan是唯一一位為泰國服務的泰國世界級運動員,如有:泰拳、拳擊、拳擊、空手道和跆拳道。 Dam Srichan是位優秀為國家效力的運動員。他曾在多項的體育項目中都獲得了許多獎牌,尤其在東南亞運動會上成為泰拳和拳擊金牌得主。憑藉著這些多樣化的格鬥技能與他的才能相結合,進而他開始想為公眾做更多的事情。 Dam Shrichan尋覓了泰拳學校,並親自製作了泰拳的相關課程,讓更多人透過課程更能熟知泰拳,並得到了泰國的教育部的官方正式認可。 Krudam gym classes Dam Srichan is the only Thai world class athlete chosen to serve the country for five different sport categories such as, Muay Thai, Boxing, Kick Boxing, Karate-Do and Takewondo. Dam Srichan serves the country well. He won many medals in all the sports he served. Especially, a SEA games gold medallist from Muay Thai and Boxing. With this variety skill of fighting in combination with his talents, he would like to do more for the public and therefore, Dam Shrichan found the school of Muay Thai and crafted the curriculum of Muay Thai himself which become well known and officially accepted by Ministry of Education of Thailand.